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Back to School Freebie For A Safe and Organized First Day

The week or so before school starts, our school sends a letter home welcoming students back to school, giving room assignments, final supply lists, and a letter from the teacher.  Sadly, many of our parents do not use this information to prepare their kids for the first day.  So, I take this opportunity to include a little something extra - the first day of school name and info tag.

The parents fill out a bit of information on the back and pin it to their child's shirt on the first day of school.  Most of our children arrive on a bus or are dropped off at the front door and have no idea who their teacher is, how they're getting home, or whether they have lunch money.

Since I have been sending these name and info tags home, 99% of my students have come to school with them on!  (Probably because I include the pins!)  When they enter my room, I know how they came to to school, how they're getting home, whether they have lunch money, emergency numbers, etc.  It is so nice to have a little info until I can get accurate paperwork returned!

If you would like an editable copy, click HERE.  I just print them front to back on cardstock, cut them into four cards, punch a hole, and add a safety pin.  If you download a copy, remember that it is editable and the fonts reverted to a common font on Google docs.  Once you download it, give it whatever font you want and add in the info for your school and classroom.

And now for the Giveaway!
I have been so blessed to be able to share with so many of you out there in cyberspace and amazingly 1,000 folks have liked my Facebook page:)  Who woulda thought?

So, I decided to host a little giveaway to help you choose a few new things for the new school year.

You have 3 chances to win and here are the amazing folks who have donated an item from their TPT store!

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Wow! What a giveaway! Congratulations!

    1. I am very fortunate to have some amazing folks donate for the giveaway!

  2. I have to say how kind I think it is that you think of your students needs in this way. I love that you send home the tag and the pin. Your students and their parents are VERY fortunate to have such a caring teacher. I hope your giveaway goes really well!

  3. So excited for this opportunity! Such a great collaboration of teachers!!! This is fantastic!

    1. Thanks! I had a great time browsing through all of these talented teachers' stores while setting this up:)

  4. Great giveaway! Thanks, Nikki! I love your organizational tool freebie as well! I bet you're the only teacher in your school with all of their students' contact info by the end of the first day! ;)

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom

    1. It sure does make everyone a little less stressed on the first day!

  5. Congratulations on reaching 1000 followers! Thank you so much for including me in your giveaway. It is my pleasure to offer a product.

    Mizell Multiage

  6. this is a great giveaway! Thanks!

    I am following you and visiting from Owl Things First!

  7. What an awesome giveaway!!! :) Thank you!!!

  8. Love the idea of the cards. Thank you.

  9. I found you at Owl Things First.

  10. Thanks for the freebie and the AWESOME giveaway! :o)


  11. Found you through Owl Things First. Now following. Congratulations on a huge achievement! And as a first year teacher, thanks for the tip! ;)

  12. What a great give away! I also found you through Owl Things First!

  13. Owl Things First sent me. I am already a follower.

  14. Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  15. Where in Virginia are you? I started following you during my student teaching and love your ideas and activities.

    Thank you for always sharing!

    1. I'm in Richmond. Are you nearby?

      FYI - A group of VA bloggers will do a freebie blog hop the first week of August so be sure to check back - some of the items may be specific to VA sols.

      Thanks for following!
